A type of loan that has a low interest rate for the first 5 or 7 years, then adjusts to a higher interest rate for the remaining 25 or 23 years.
Two-step mortgages are ideal for first-time buyers and if you have a job that demands that you relocate often. Your monthly loan payments are lower for those first years than a regular 30-year fixed loan, and when it is time to adjust to the higher rate, you can do so at no cost. The new rate that you get after 5 or 7 years though can be high, which is when most people decide to move. Two-step mortgages are also called resets.
See: Adjustable rate mortgage
Mortgage definitions and Real Estate Terms, Consolidating loans, refinancing mortgages and reverse mortgage process available to anyone. This consumer information site contains several tools and guides to aid in purchasing or refinancing a home or commercial property.