The amount of time that a lender will guarantee a loan’s interest rate
Once you have locked in an interest on a loan, the lender will guarantee that rate for a certain period of time, usually for 30, 45 or 60 days (Normally, the longer the lock period, the more points that you have to pay up-front since the lender is taking agreater risk when they guarantee a rate for a long time).
You will need to complete your home’s purchase or refinance within the lock period. If you need extra time, you may have topay up to 1 point (1% of the loan amount) or more, and there’sno guarantee that you can keep your original interest rate after the expiration date.
See: Rate lock
Mortgage definitions and Real Estate Terms, Consolidating loans, refinancing mortgages and reverse mortgage process available to anyone. This consumer information site contains several tools and guides to aid in purchasing or refinancing a home or commercial property.